Instructional Video


These videos will help you look at proper mechanics. I will post and comment on new videos in the future. 

Notice a few things on this swing:

  1. Proper grip shows that his knuckles line up on his hands when he starts the swing. This will give you more power.You can see an example of this at :17 seconds
  2. Stance: His weight is all on his back foot as he starts his swing, then his back knee leans in shifting his power to his core. Good example at :03 seconds
  3. When he makes contact his arms are fully extended and his hips are facing the pitcher. Notice his head is always down and looking at the ball. :06 seconds.
  4. The follow through is perfect as he opens up his hips and his hands are all the way behind his head. All of his weight has been transferred but he's not lunging forward. :10 seconds
The things I'll be looking for from our hitters
  • Proper grip and stance
  • Head down and on the ball
  • Shifting your weight and turning your hips
  • Good follow through
If you can help teach these mechanics to your daughter we'll all be on the same page. 

Notice a few things on this pitch:

  1. Proper stance on the pitching rubber. Your right foot driving off for power, your left foot at the back edge. 
  2. Everything is going forward toward the hitter, from the front foot to the drag foot. That's called your power line. 
  3. Notice her hips on the delivery. At :26-:27 seconds her hips face third base, after that they square up to the hitter. 
  4. Wrist snap: She snaps her wrist to deliver the ball near her hip
  5. Follow through: her follow through on the wrist goes up toward her face. 

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